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Tiaras Past & Present
Munn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Tiaras, Past and Present' is published to accompany a major exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in Spring 2002. It is a glittering celebration of these sumptuous jewels which are currently enjoying... czytaj dalej

Infection & Hearing Impairment
Newton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The aim of the book is to provide a text which brings together the expertise from two separate disciplines applied to a shared problem; that of hearing impairment resulting from an infectious cause. The book... czytaj dalej

Historical Grammar of the Visual Arts
Binstock Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The work of Alois Riegl (1858-1905) has been highly influential in art history of the modern age. Riegl, the most important member of the so-called Vienna School, developed a refined technique of visual or... czytaj dalej

Motion Design
Matthew Woolman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A dynamic atlas of the fundamentals of design for motion and interactionResponding to the dramatic growth in digital media in recent years, academic institutions around the world are introducing the element... czytaj dalej

Interlocking Nailing 2E
Tanna Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Interlocking nails have now become an established method of internal fixing. The introduction of better nail designs, innovations in interlocking techniques and the universal availability of image intensifiers... czytaj dalej

Emerging World Cities in Pacific Asia
F. Lo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Pacific Asia is the fastest growing region in the world, and its very large cities - world cities - have been playing an important part in spearheading economic growth and social and cultural transformation... czytaj dalej

China IG
T. Larimer Wydawnictwo: inne

This guide includes a section detailing China's history, eight features covering aspects of the country's life and culture, ranging from traditional medicine to ornate pagodas; a region by region visitor's... czytaj dalej

Integrated Advertising Promotion & Marketing Communication
K. Clow,D. Baack Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising Principles, and Advertising Strategy, and Advertising and Promotions. Integrated Marketing Communications takes a broader approach than advertising... czytaj dalej

Westminster Abby
M. Ostow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Abby has always considered herself to be a little vanilla#8212;sweet, plain, but not very exciting. So when she finds herself flying across the ocean to London, trying to forget her problems with her cheating... czytaj dalej

Prince of Butterflies
Coville Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One boy#8217;s life-changing summer, when he flew on borrowed wings.... czytaj dalej