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Sammy Chua's Day Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom
A. Chua Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sammy Chua's DAY TRADE Your Way to FINANCIAL FREEDOM SECOND EDITION Day Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, Second Edition tells you everything you need to have#151;and know#151;to launch a successful and... czytaj dalej

Adventures of Ulysses
B. Evslin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Grade 7 Up-George Guidall, the Michael Jordan of audiobook narrators, provides a marvelous rendition of Bernard Evslin's young adult classic retelling of The Odyssey (Scholastic, 1966, pap. 1989). Following... czytaj dalej

Ghosts Beneath Our Feet
B. Wright Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Katie and her rebellious stepbrother investigate a series of bizarre, eerie events plaguing the old deserted mining town where they are spending the summer. ... czytaj dalej

Inside Rome
J. Friedman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Taking the reader on a privileged tour of the city's stunning private palaces and villas, and many of the less well-known public buildings and churches, this book offers fresh discoveries from one of the world's... czytaj dalej

Renzo Piano Building Workshop v 3
P. Buchanan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This third volume closes poignantly with the completion of Piano's most monumental and extraordinary work, Kansai Airport. An introductory essay, 'From Pompidou to Kansai', reviews the full scope of his career... czytaj dalej

ABC of Arterial & Venous Disease CD ROM Slide
R. Donnelly,N. London Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This slide set compiles all the figures from within the BMJ's book ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease onto one CD-ROM. This ABC is a practical guide to the commonly presenting arterial and venous disorders... czytaj dalej

Miller Governmental GAAP Practice Manual
Lloyd Wydawnictwo: inne

Miller Governmental GAAP Guide discusses all the promulgated accounting principles applicable to financial reporting by state and local governments. It delivers a thorough analysis of GASB Statements, GASB... czytaj dalej

Storytelling in Organizations
Brown Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Storytelling in Organizations lays out for the first time why narrative and storytelling should be part of the mainstream of organizational and management thinking. This case has not been made before. The personal... czytaj dalej

Sacred Traces British Explorations of Buddhism in South Asia
J. Leshko Wydawnictwo: inne

In his novel Kim, in which a Tibetan pilgrim seeks to visit important Buddhist sites in India, Rudyard Kipling reveals the nineteenth-century fascination with the discovery of the importance of Buddhism in... czytaj dalej

J. Gutt Mostowy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over one million Americans of Polish descent can trace their roots in the rocky soil of the northern foothills of the Tatra Mountains, to a region known as Podhale. This guide takes the visitor to this spectacularly... czytaj dalej