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Second Bend inthe River
A. Rinaldi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In 1798 Rebecca, a young settler in the Ohio territory, meets the Shawnee called Tecumseh and later develops a deep friendship with him. ... czytaj dalej

Chopraa Center Herbal Handbook
D. Simon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

People around the world are increasingly working with their own bodies to restore balance. They're using medicinals found in nature to avoid the side effects of antibiotics and turning to traditions that have... czytaj dalej

Willis Faber & Dumas Building
Bramante Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Part of a series of technically informative monographs embracing a broad spectrum of internationally renowned buildings. This work deals with the Willis Faber Dumas Building, and includes a comprehensive set... czytaj dalej

Roger Ballen Shadow Chamber
Robert Sobieszek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Roger Ballen (b.1950) challenges the ways in which we perceive the ?reality? of photography. His striking, ambiguous images of people, animals and objects posed in mysterious, cell-like rooms occupy the grey... czytaj dalej

Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine Revised Reprint
Nussbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For 35 years, Thompson and Thompson Genetics in Medicine has been a favorite genetics textbook for medical students. This long-awaited sixth edition, now in a revised re-print, continues to provide a readable... czytaj dalej

Electronics Circuits & Systems
Bishop Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Electronics -- Circuits and Systems is a truly up-to-date textbook, with coverage carefully matched to the latest AS and A-level specifications in Electronics from AQA, OCR and WJEC. It is also matched to the... czytaj dalej

Women in World History v 1
Anne Commire Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With more than 10,000 biographical entries, this is the most comprehensive women's history encyclopedia available. This ambitious work profiles women throughout time and throughout the world. More than 2,500... czytaj dalej

Diagnosing & Changing Organizational Culture
K. Cameron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture provides a framework, a sense-making tool, a set of systematic steps, and a methodology for helping managers and their organizations carefully analyze and alter... czytaj dalej

Ralph Johnson of Perkins & Will Buildings & Projects
R. Johnson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This first monograph on Johnson's work presents thirty-seven of his projects, organized according to building type and illustrated with photographs, plans, and the architect's striking black-and-white renderings... czytaj dalej

M. Fullan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"A clear and insightful look at why teaching must be conceived as constant learning about learning. The analysis of past failed reforms and the general conditions needed for success is well-stated and... czytaj dalej