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Commerzbank Frankfurt
I. Lambot Wydawnictwo: inne

The Commerzbank in Frankfurt, designed by Sir Norman Foster and completed in May 1997, is the tallest building in Europe. Unlike most high-rise office buildings, it receives natural daylight and ventilation... czytaj dalej

Funktionelle Anatomie des Menschen
Johannes Rohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wie verläuft der Ischiasnerv? Was muß ich beim i.m. Spritzen beachten?Anatomie ist nicht alles, aber ohne Grundkenntnisse der Anatomie ist in der Pflegeausbildung alles nichts. Die "Funktionelle Anatomie"... czytaj dalej

Growing Up on the Set
T. Goldrup Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work is a compilation of interviews with 39 men and women who, as children, worked in the motion picture industry in Hollywood. They all handled their childhood celebrity differently. Lee Aaker, Mary Badham... czytaj dalej

Charlotte Perriand
E. Vedrenne Wydawnictwo: inne

An important figure of modernism in the 1930s, and the principal protagonist of organic design in the 1950s, Charlotte Perriand was a true 20th century pioneer. Although her name has long been inseparable from... czytaj dalej

Introduction to the Finite Element Method
Reddy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book retains its strong conceptual approach, clearly examining the mathematical underpinnings of FEM, and providing a general approach of engineering application areas. Known for its detailed, carefully... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Financial Accounting
A. Thomas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Andrew Thomas's Introduction to Financial Accounting, 4e is an introductory level text for students undertaking accounting or business studies that offers a thorough introduction to financial accounting. An... czytaj dalej

Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy
A. Fine Wydawnictwo: inne

Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy provides a comprehensive overview of the many ways in which animals can be used to assist therapists. Coverage includes how animals can assist specific patient populations... czytaj dalej

Civil Engineering Materials
Somayaji Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For junior-level courses on Civil Engineering Materials, Construction Materials, Materials of Construction, and Materials of Architecture in departments of Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, Architecture... czytaj dalej

Shield of Achilles the Long War & the Market State
P. Bobbitt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Shield of Achilles is a classic inquiry into the nature of the State, its origin in war, and its drive for peace and legitimacy. Philip Bobbitt, a professor of constitutional law and a historian of nuclear... czytaj dalej

Industrial Relations 5 vols
J. Kelly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Until recently the study of Industrial Relations centred around trade unions, collective bargaining and strikes - often in the manufacturing industry. Union decline and de-industrialization in the advanced... czytaj dalej