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Vicky Angel
Wilson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Jade and Vicky are best friends, but when Vicky is killed in an accident she doesn't let a little old thing like being dead interfere with her life. Instead, she continues as normal, following Jade around,... czytaj dalej

Epileptic Seizures Pathophysiology & Clinical Semiology
Hans Luders Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book/CD ROM package aims to present a systematic and comprehensive overview of the clinical semiology of epileptic seizures. It is ideal for the practising neurologistwho must recognise, diagnose and treat... czytaj dalej

Casas Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Lead" covers the salient aspects of the chemistry of lead, its environmental impact, and its effects on health. The technical, economic and social importance of lead, at the present time, is beyond... czytaj dalej

Beyond Reason Eight Great Problems That Reveal
A. Dewdney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A mind-bending excursion to the limits of science and mathematics Are some scientific problems insoluble? In Beyond Reason, internationally acclaimed math and science author A. K. Dewdney answers this question... czytaj dalej

Blueprint to a Billion
Thomson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for BLUEPRINT TO A BILLION "A wonderful, well thought out analysis of entrepreneurship and leadership of a growth company." #8212;Howard Lester, Chairman, Williams-Sonoma, Inc. "If you... czytaj dalej

Six Sigma for Everyone
Eckes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A practical, straightforward guide to Six Sigma for employees in organizations contemplating or implementing Six SigmaFrom noted Six Sigma consultant and author George Eckes, Six Sigma for Everyone explains... czytaj dalej

Sectors & Styles
Catalano Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover a proven method for making better investment choices The actions of politicians, regulators, and economic policy makers have an enormous impact on the financial markets. In Sectors and Styles, author... czytaj dalej

Terror in Mind of God
M. Juergensmeyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Well-regarded look at the connection between religion and terrorism. Updated to include events of September 11, 2001. Focus: to better understand how and why some people (and the groups that support them) are... czytaj dalej

Science & Corporate Strategy
D. Hounshell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Based on voluminous corporate records and extensive interviews with key employees, Science and Corporate Strategy: Du Pont R and D, 1902 - 1980 provides a comprehensive, critical study of research and development... czytaj dalej

Engineering Tribology
Williams Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An ideal textbook for a first tribology course and a reference for designers and researchers, Engineering Tribology gives the reader interdisciplinary understanding of tribology including materials constraints... czytaj dalej