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Death in a Strange Country
D. Leon Wydawnictwo: inne

Early one morning Guido Brunetti, commissario of the Venetian police, confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of the fetid Venetian canal. All the clues point to a violent mugging... czytaj dalej

Taylor Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Presents a Victorian mystery about the extreme and curious things men do to get what they want. This novel, ranging from the lochsides of Scotland to the slums of Clerkenwell, and from the gentlemen's clubs... czytaj dalej

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia
Allman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The bestselling Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia continues to provide state of the art information on anaesthetic practice. The second edition has a new color layout and includes new topics on risk, consent,... czytaj dalej

Return on Customer Creating Maximum Value
D. Peppers Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Internationally acclaimed business gurus and best-selling authors Don Peppers and Martha Rogers kicked off the CRM revolution and changed the landscape of business competition with their classic bestseller... czytaj dalej

Decolonization Reader
J. Sueur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Grouped around the most salient themes, this compilation includes discussions of metropolitan politics, gender, sexuality, race, culture, nationalism and economy, and offers a comparative and interdisciplinary... czytaj dalej

Roberta Intrarer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Toothy grins and yawns, bright eyes, pouts, and tears deliver reinforcement for the spare text that echoes what all parents (and photographers) say and play to get that picture-perfect response; e.g., "Look... czytaj dalej

Secrets of Droon #15 the Moon Scroll
T. Abbott Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Eric, Julie, and Neal discover an enchanted stairway in Eric's basement, which turns out to be a portal to the magical and troubled world of Droon. It's a wondrous place where adventure is always close at hand.... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Micozzi Wydawnictwo: inne

The cornerstone text in the popular series Medical Guides to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, edited by Dr Micozzi, Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine returns fully updated and expanded... czytaj dalej

Fabulous Food Shops
J. Peyton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Displaying a wonderful array of visually tempting and delicious produce, staffed by friendly and knowledgeable experts, a whole new generation of stylishly designed food shops are emerging. Conveniently located... czytaj dalej

Technology of Semiactive Devices & Applications in Vibration
Fabio Casciati Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Researchers have studied many methods of using active and passive control devices for absorbing vibratory energy. Active devices, while providing significant reductions in structural motion, typically require... czytaj dalej