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Circle of Magic #03 Daja's Book
T. Pierce Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Daja is a misfit child with special powers. She was sent into exile by her people, the Traders. When a deadly fire threatens the Traders' village, Daja must decide if she will save her people and, even more... czytaj dalej

Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.B
Bulliet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Contains learning objectives, chapter outlines (with space for students' notes on particular sections), key-term identifications, short answer and essay questions, map exercises, and 'comparison charts' which... czytaj dalej

Novell Linux Desktop 9
J. Habraken Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Novell Linux Desktop 9 User's Handbook (0-672-32729-5)  Novell Linux Desktop 9 User's Handbook walks the reader through the new Novell Linux interfaces and how to use them, as well as, how to interact with... czytaj dalej

Nursing in Haematological Oncology
M. Grundy Wydawnictwo: inne

Haematological oncology is a rapidly advancing and exciting field of medicine. To date textbooks on the subject either have been written primarily for doctors or address specific aspects of haemato-oncology... czytaj dalej

Hitchmough Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the 1890s until the outbreak of the First World War, C F A Voysey was one of the most successful and renowned British architects. His elegant, white-rendered houses with stone window dressings and sweeping... czytaj dalej

False Flat
Betsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A timely overview of innovative contemporary design in the Netherlands, an internatonal hotbed of design creativity, featuring work by Rem Koolhaas, MVRDV, Ben van Berkel Caroline Bos, Marcel Wanders, Petra... czytaj dalej

Modern Landscape
M. Spens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Society is becoming preoccupied with the issue of landscape, not only as an area of design and study but also as it is affected by building development and the maintenance of eco-systems. This interest ranges... czytaj dalej

Calza Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Katsushika Hokusai (1769-1849) was one of the greatest of the Japanese print designers, painters and book illustrators, and by far the most famous Asian artist in the West. This richly illustrated monograph... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Gynecology
Larry Copeland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The thoroughly updated new edition of this landmark text/reference offers comprehensive, in-depth coverage of the entire field of gynecology. A multitude of leading experts present their first-hand knowledge... czytaj dalej

Rheumatological Physiotherapy
David Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is one of four new books based on Cash's Textbook series. These books cover the physiotherapy techniques used in rheumatological, cardiovascular/respiratory, neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation... czytaj dalej