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Year Book of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery 2001
M. Paparella Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Key articles from around the world are featured in this annual that focuses on otology and head and neck surgery. Readers get the latest hot topics in the field including: Ostosclerosis, facial nerve and tumors... czytaj dalej

Current Diagnosis & Treatment In Orthopedics
Harry Skinner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The best clinically-focused, mid-sized reference covering the evaluation, management, and treatment of common orthopedic conditions. Emphasizes the impact of changes in imaging technology on the optimal approach... czytaj dalej

Operations Management for Competitive Advantage With Student
R. Chase Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text gives a thorough introduction to the concepts, processes and methods of managing and controlling operations in manufacturing or service settings. It provides comprehensive coverage, from high-tech... czytaj dalej

Earl Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

500 USMLE Step 1-type questions, many in clinical vignette format.
Fully-referenced answers.
Section of high-yield facts for course exams and the USMLE Step 1.... czytaj dalej

Critical Care Nursing Certification
T. Ahrens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A proven step-by-step approach for passing the Critical Care Certification Exam This trusted reference provides a comprehensive review for nurses preparing for Critical Care certification through the CCRN exam... czytaj dalej

Particles at Interfaces
z. Adamczyk Wydawnictwo: inne

"Particles at Interfaces" presents recent developments in this growing field and is devoted entirely to the subject of particle transport, deposition and structuring on boundary surfaces. The complex... czytaj dalej

Perspectives in Sociology
E.C. Cuff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Perspectives in Sociology provides students with a lively and critical introduction to sociology and to the ways in which sociologists are trained to think and work. The subject is presented as a sequence of... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of International Relations & Global Politics
M. Griffiths Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study of international relations has changed rapidly in recent years. Firstly as a consequence of major political and economic change - the end of the cold war and the fall of communism, the resurgence... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Psychiatry
B. Puri Wydawnictwo: inne

A textbook of psychiatry for medical students that presents the subject in a graphic and accessible wayAn accessible presentation of psychiatry, which makes free use of graphics, text boxes and tables - less... czytaj dalej

Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders v 1
Koller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The two volumes on Parkinsons disease in the "Handbook of Clinical Neurology" series cover a group of disorders that constitute the commonest of neurodegenerative diseases and one that is assuming... czytaj dalej