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Diagnostic Imaging Brain Head & Neck Spine
Harnsberger Wydawnictwo: inne

This richly illustrated and superbly organized text/atlas is part of the new Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy series produced by the innovative medical information systems provider AmirsysŽ. Written... czytaj dalej

Universal Grammar in the Reconstruction of Ancient Languages
K. Kiss Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Philologists aiming to reconstruct the grammar of ancient languages face the problem that the available data always underdetermine grammar, and in the case of gaps, possible mistakes, and idiosyncracies there... czytaj dalej

Manual of Middle Ear Surgery v.2 Mastoid Surgery & Reconst
M. Tos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over the last 30 years, new methods and materials in typmanoplasty have constantly been developed. As an ear surgeon involved in this pioneering period from the start, the author of this work has compiled a... czytaj dalej

Applications of Software Agent Technology in Health Care Dom
A. Moreno Wydawnictwo: inne

The intended audience includes graduate and postgraduate students specializing in artificial intelligence and researchers interested in the application of new technologies.... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Surgical Stapling
W. Feil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text sets out to guide the reader through the application of mechanical staplers and other surgical devices in different surgical procedures. It provides a description of staplers and other technological... czytaj dalej

Social Learning In Technological Innovation
R. Williams Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Social Learning in Technological Innovation is a timely contribution to this core topic of science and technology studies. The book integrates, complements and critically evaluates the understanding of design... czytaj dalej

Sociological Perspectives of Organic Agriculture
Holt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bringing together articles by leading researchers, this book takes a fresh look at understanding the dynamics of the organic agricultural sector in Europe, Australia, South America and the US. The authors draw... czytaj dalej

Designing With Ligh Hotels
Jill Entwistle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The many areas of a hotel often have very various roles to play and the lighting must be appropriate for each of them. Also, in buildings which operate 24 hours a day, energy-saving is increasingly important... czytaj dalej

Lehrbuch der Phoniatrie & Padaudiologie
J. Wendler,W. Seidner,G. Kittel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Das Buch gibt angehenden Facharzten einen Uberblick uber praxisrelevante Untersuchungsmethoden und die wichtigsten Krankheitsbilder. Dargestellt werden Ursachen, klinische Erscheinungen und Moglichkeiten der... czytaj dalej

Beyond the Wardrobe Official Guide to Narnia
J. Kirk Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Includes movie images from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media! Beyond the Wardrobe is the first official full-color guide to C. S. Lewis's... czytaj dalej