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Columbia Documentary History of American Women 1941-2000
Sigerman Wydawnictwo: inne

From the Hoover vacuum cleaner to the fax machine, from the Pill to reproductive rights, American women have grappled with a sometimes dizzying rate of social and economic change and shifting conceptions of... czytaj dalej

Political Ideologies & the Democratic Ideal
Ball Wydawnictwo: inne

Extensively revised and updated the Fifth Edition of this best-seller provides a clear, concise, and comprehensive introduction to the ideas and ideals that shake and shape our political world. Written with... czytaj dalej

Real World MAC OS X Fonts
S. Aker Wydawnictwo: inne

As someone who works with fonts every day, you need to know exactly how fonts work in Mac OS X. Long-time Mac author Sharon Zardetto Aker has the answers you need, explaining where your fonts reside, why they... czytaj dalej

Pharmacology & The Nursing Process 3E
Lilley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process 3/e is a concise, readable text that presents pharmacology in an understandable manner. This new edition offers updated and revised content, keeping users up-to-date on... czytaj dalej

Graber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This definitive reference for practicing orthodontists, orthodontic students, and dentists returns with cutting-edge information on research and concepts being developed in orthodontics today. Coverage includes... czytaj dalej

America's Changing Coasts
Whitelaw Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Following a comprehensive overview by the editors, this volume's expert contributors provide detailed discussion of important legal, ecological and social issues associated with coastal resource management... czytaj dalej

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Ch. Bail Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With over 40 contributions from negotiators, stakeholders and analysts of the biosafety talks, this book provides unique insight into the international process that led to the adoption of the Biosafety Protocol... czytaj dalej

Don't Worry It's Safe to Eat
A. Rowell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An investigation of science, politics and our food production system, this text exposes the bogus science, political interference and flawed policies that threaten our food supply. The author tells the story... czytaj dalej

Biophysics an Introduction
R. Cotterill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a concise balanced introductin to this subject. Written in an accessible and readable style, the book takes a fresh, modern approach with the author successfully combining key concepts and theory with... czytaj dalej

Diagnosis & Management of HIV / AIDS
Baveja Wydawnictwo: inne

The tragic proliferation of HIV/AIDS on the Indian sub-continent is a matter of international concern. This is the first comprehensive Indian work on HIV/AIDS, with each contributing author an expert in their... czytaj dalej