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Introduction to Distance Sampling Estimating Abundance of Bi
S. Buckland,D. Anderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book introduces the suite of techniques known as 'distance sampling', so-called because the common theme is the sampling of distances of objects from a line or point. The objects are usually animals or... czytaj dalej

Irritable Heart Medical Mystery of Gulf War
Wheelwright Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Following the Gulf War, thousands of veterans developed illnesses that medicine was unable to explain. Ten years later many of them remain ill. In "The Irritable Heart" Jeff Wheelwright profiles five... czytaj dalej

Breast Imaging
E. Sickles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This addition to the UCSF Interactive Radiology Series helps strengthen your knowledge and diagnostic skills by guiding you through various hypothetical processes--evaluating the patient, selecting the appropriate... czytaj dalej

International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literatur
Peter Hunt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Children's literature continues to be one of the most rapidly expanding and exciting of interdisciplinary academic studies, of interest to anyone concerned with literature, education, internationalism, childhood... czytaj dalej

Conservative Infertility Management
C. Keck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In many countries, the management of infertility treatment is not undertaken by IVF specialists, but by general gynecologists or primary health practitioners. Whereas specific training and/or a license is required... czytaj dalej

Raven & Other Poems
Poe Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Hailed as one of America's most preeminent storytellers, Edgar Allen Poe broods in a collection of poems that will captivate your modern reader with their lyricism and unworldly visions. Lovers of scary tales... czytaj dalej

Mermaid's Tail
Raewyn Caisley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is about a girl called Crystal who wants to be a mermaid. One night her wish comes true and she swims with a dolphin all day. My favourite part was where she was dreaming about being a mermaid. I... czytaj dalej

Ripley's Believe It or Not #10 X-traordinary X-tremes
Packard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What's creamy, cold, served on a cone, and tastes like fresh eel? Give up? It's eel flavored ice cream! How would you like to get a job sniffing armpits? Maybe you'd like to play a game of basketball where... czytaj dalej

Back Pain Revolution
Gordon Waddell Wydawnictwo: inne

A handbook for all clinicians concerned with the management of back pain. It presents the latest British and American guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain together with a summary of the... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic Immunochemistry 2e
D. Dabbs Wydawnictwo: inne

The New Edition of this popular text features world-renowned experts who offer the most current information and reliable guidance on immunohistochemical diagnoses in surgical pathology and cytopathology. The... czytaj dalej