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Should Britain Leave EU
P. Minford Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This controversial, challenging and timely book carefully reviews the economic aspects of the UK's relationship with the EU: trade in goods and services, the single market, tax and regulation, public finances... czytaj dalej

Pathologies of Modern Space
Milun Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book takes an international focus on the topic of agoraphobia, looking at London, Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg.... czytaj dalej

Living Jewels 2 The Magical Design of Beetles
P. Beckmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The beetles are back--and they're bigger and more beautiful than ever!Photographer Poul Beckmann's first collection of larger-than-life beetles was hailed across the globe. The Houston Chronicle called it 'one... czytaj dalej

Strategic Marketing
Alsem Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text is designed as a stand alone text in a Marketing Strategy course with a focus on building customer value through the firm's marketing activities. The author aims to indicate the specific steps that... czytaj dalej

Neuroscience PSSAR
A. Siegel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These '500 questions, answers, and explanation' books are designed to simulate the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1. Each is authored by an expert in the field and has been reviewed... czytaj dalej

Critical Care Nursing Certification
T. Ahrens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A proven step-by-step approach for passing the Critical Care Certification Exam This trusted reference provides a comprehensive review for nurses preparing for Critical Care certification through the CCRN exam... czytaj dalej

Principles of Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing
Amirouche Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For junior/senior-level and first-year graduate students.This text provides students with the necessary foundation for understanding both design and manufacturing, via the selection of appropriate topics and... czytaj dalej

Basic Environmental Health
A. Yassi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This comprehensive interdisciplinary text draws from the social sciences, the natural sciences and the health sciences to introduce students to the principles and methods applied in environmental health. It... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Medicine
R. Souhami Wydawnictwo: inne

The Textbook of Medicine provides a comprehensive account of clinical medicine incorporating the language and ideas of modern medical science. The book discusses clinical medicine in the context of the growth... czytaj dalej

50 Foot Challenges Assessment & Manadement
C. Thomson Wydawnictwo: inne

'50 Foot Challenges provides a new approach to learning about the clinical assessment and management of foot disorders. Through the use of illustrated case histories, the reader is presented with the problems... czytaj dalej